Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

All of November is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month in the UK and as part of this campaign our practices have been using the opportunity to make our patients more aware of the risk of this serious condition. As part of every examination with a dentist, our patients will always receive an oral cancer examination and advice or a referral to specialist services if indicated.

 Key facts:

  • 6,767 patients are diagnosed with mouth cancer every year in the UK.
  • That’s 18 people a day!!
  • Mouth cancer takes more lives every year than road traffic accidents on UK roads.
  • It claims more lives every year then testicular and cervical cancer combined!
  • If diagnosed early the survival rate is 90% compared to 50%.
  • One in seven of us know some one with mouth cancer
  • It can strike at any age!

You can reduce your risk of mouth cancer by not smoking or chewing tobacco, having a healthy
balanced diet with your 5 portions of fruit or veg a day, if you consume alcohol to do so only in moderation and reduce your risk of contracting the HPV virus by practicing safer sex and avoiding multiple sexual partners.

mouth cancer

To find our more speak to your dental care professional or visit